Source code for psychrnn.tasks.task

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

# abstract class python 2 & 3 compatible
ABC = ABCMeta('ABC', (object,), {})

[docs]class Task(ABC): """ The base task class. The base task class provides the structure that users can use to\ define a new task. This structure is used by example tasks \ :class:`~psychrnn.tasks.perceptual_discrimination.PerceptualDiscrimination`, \ :class:`~psychrnn.tasks.match_to_category.MatchToCategory`, \ and :class:`~psychrnn.tasks.delayed_discrim.DelayedDiscrimination`. Note: The base task class is not itself a functioning task. The generate_trial_params and trial_function must be defined to define a new, functioning, task. Args: N_in (int): The number of network inputs. N_out (int): The number of network outputs. dt (float): The simulation timestep. tau (float): The intrinsic time constant of neural state decay. T (float): The trial length. N_batch (int): The number of trials per training update. Inferred Parameters: * **alpha** (*float*) -- The number of unit time constants per simulation timestep. * **N_steps** (*int*): The number of simulation timesteps in a trial. """ def __init__(self, N_in, N_out, dt, tau, T, N_batch): # ---------------------------------- # Initialize required parameters # ---------------------------------- self.N_batch = N_batch self.N_in = N_in self.N_out = N_out self.dt = dt self.tau = tau self.T = T # ---------------------------------- # Calculate implied parameters # ---------------------------------- self.alpha = (1.0 * self.dt) / self.tau self.N_steps = int(np.ceil(self.T / self.dt)) # Initialize the generator used by get_trial_batch self._batch_generator = self.batch_generator()
[docs] def get_task_params(self): """ Get dictionary of task parameters. Note: N_in, N_out, N_batch, dt, tau and N_steps must all be passed to the network model as parameters -- this function is the recommended way to begin building the network_params that will be passed into the RNN model. Returns: dict: Dictionary of :class:`Task` attributes including the following keys: :Dictionary Keys: * **N_batch** (*int*) -- The number of trials per training update. * **N_in** (*int*) -- The number of network inputs. * **N_out** (*int*) -- The number of network outputs. * **dt** (*float*) -- The simulation timestep. * **tau** (*float*) -- The unit time constant. * **T** (*float*) -- The trial length. * **alpha** (*float*) -- The number of unit time constants per simulation timestep. * **N_steps** (*int*): The number of simulation timesteps in a trial. Note: The dictionary will also include any other attributes defined in your task definition. """ return self.__dict__
[docs] @abstractmethod def generate_trial_params(self, batch, trial): """ Define parameters for each trial. Using a combination of randomness, presets, and task attributes, define the necessary trial parameters. Args: batch (int): The batch number for this trial. trial (int): The trial number of the trial within the batch data:`batch`. Returns: dict: Dictionary of trial parameters. Warning: This function is abstract and must be implemented in a child Task object. Example: See :func:`PerceptualDiscrimination <psychrnn.tasks.perceptual_discrimination.PerceptualDiscrimination.generate_trial_params>`,\ :func:`MatchToCategory <psychrnn.tasks.match_to_category.MatchToCategory.generate_trial_params>`,\ and :func:`DelayedDiscrimination <psychrnn.tasks.delayed_discrim.DelayedDiscrimination.generate_trial_params>` for example implementations. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def trial_function(self, time, params): """ Compute the trial properties at :data:`time`. Based on the :data:'params' compute the trial stimulus (x_t), correct output (y_t), and mask (mask_t) at :data:`time`. Args: time (int): The time within the trial (0 <= :data:`time` < :attr:`T`). params (dict): The trial params produced by :func:`~psychrnn.tasks.task.Task.generate_trial_params` Returns: tuple: * **x_t** (*ndarray(dtype=float, shape=(*:attr:`N_in` *,))*) -- Trial input at :data:`time` given :data:`params`. * **y_t** (*ndarray(dtype=float, shape=(*:attr:`N_out` *,))*) -- Correct trial output at :data:`time` given :data:`params`. * **mask_t** (*ndarray(dtype=bool, shape=(*:attr:`N_out` *,))*) -- True if the network should train to match the y_t, False if the network should ignore y_t when training. Warning: This function is abstract and must be implemented in a child Task object. Example: See :func:`PerceptualDiscrimination <psychrnn.tasks.perceptual_discrimination.PerceptualDiscrimination.trial_function>`,\ :func:`MatchToCategory <psychrnn.tasks.match_to_category.MatchToCategory.trial_function>`,\ and :func:`DelayedDiscrimination <psychrnn.tasks.delayed_discrim.DelayedDiscrimination.trial_function>` for example implementations. """ pass
[docs] def accuracy_function(self, correct_output, test_output, output_mask): """ Function to calculate accuracy (not loss) as it would be measured experimentally. Output should range from 0 to 1. This function is used by :class:`~psychrnn.backend.curriculum.Curriculum` as part of it's :func:`~psychrnn.backend.curriculum.default_metric`. Args: correct_output(ndarray(dtype=float, shape =(:attr:`N_batch`, :attr:`N_steps`, :attr:`N_out` ))): Correct batch output. ``y_data`` as returned by :func:`batch_generator`. test_output(ndarray(dtype=float, shape =(:attr:`N_batch`, :attr:`N_steps`, :attr:`N_out` ))): Output to compute the accuracy of. ``output`` as returned by :func:`psychrnn.backend.rnn.RNN.test`. output_mask(ndarray(dtype=bool, shape =(:attr:`N_batch`, :attr:`N_steps`, :attr:`N_out`))): Mask. ``mask`` as returned by func:`batch_generator`. Returns: float: 0 <= accuracy <=1 Warning: This function is abstract and may optionally be implemented in a child Task object. Example: See :func:`PerceptualDiscrimination <psychrnn.tasks.perceptual_discrimination.PerceptualDiscrimination.accuracy_function>`,\ :func:`MatchToCategory <psychrnn.tasks.match_to_category.MatchToCategory.accuracy_function>`,\ and :func:`DelayedDiscrimination <psychrnn.tasks.delayed_discrim.DelayedDiscrimination.accuracy_function>` for example implementations. """ pass
[docs] def generate_trial(self, params): """ Loop to generate a single trial. Args: params(dict): Dictionary of trial parameters generated by :func:`generate_trial_params`. Returns: tuple: * **x_trial** (*ndarray(dtype=float, shape=(*:attr:`N_steps`, :attr:`N_in` *))*) -- Trial input given :data:`params`. * **y_trial** (*ndarray(dtype=float, shape=(*:attr:`N_steps`, :attr:`N_out` *))*) -- Correct trial output given :data:`params`. * **mask_trial** (*ndarray(dtype=bool, shape=(*:attr:`N_steps`, :attr:`N_out` *))*) -- True during steps where the network should train to match :data:`y`, False where the network should ignore :data:`y` during training. """ # ---------------------------------- # Loop to generate a single trial # ---------------------------------- x_data = np.zeros([self.N_steps, self.N_in]) y_data = np.zeros([self.N_steps, self.N_out]) mask = np.zeros([self.N_steps, self.N_out]) for t in range(self.N_steps): x_data[t, :], y_data[t, :], mask[t, :] = self.trial_function(t * self.dt, params) return x_data, y_data, mask
[docs] def batch_generator(self): """ Returns a generator for this task. Returns: Generator[tuple, None, None]: Yields: tuple: * **stimulus** (*ndarray(dtype=float, shape =(*:attr:`N_batch`, :attr:`N_steps`, :attr:`N_out` *))*): Task stimuli for :attr:`N_batch` trials. * **target_output** (*ndarray(dtype=float, shape =(*:attr:`N_batch`, :attr:`N_steps`, :attr:`N_out` *))*): Target output for the network on :attr:`N_batch` trials given the :data:`stimulus`. * **output_mask** (*ndarray(dtype=bool, shape =(*:attr:`N_batch`, :attr:`N_steps`, :attr:`N_out` *))*): Output mask for :attr:`N_batch` trials. True when the network should aim to match the target output, False when the target output can be ignored. * **trial_params** (*ndarray(dtype=dict, shape =(*:attr:`N_batch` *,))*): Array of dictionaries containing the trial parameters produced by :func:`generate_trial_params` for each trial in :attr:`N_batch`. """ batch = 1 while batch > 0: x_data = [] y_data = [] mask = [] params = [] # ---------------------------------- # Loop over trials in batch # ---------------------------------- for trial in range(self.N_batch): # --------------------------------------- # Generate each trial based on its params # --------------------------------------- p = self.generate_trial_params(batch, trial) x,y,m = self.generate_trial(p) x_data.append(x) y_data.append(y) mask.append(m) params.append(p) batch += 1 yield np.array(x_data), np.array(y_data), np.array(mask), np.array(params)
[docs] def get_trial_batch(self): """Get a batch of trials. Wrapper for :code:`next(self._batch_generator)`. Returns: tuple: * **stimulus** (*ndarray(dtype=float, shape =(*:attr:`N_batch`, :attr:`N_steps`, :attr:`N_in` *))*): Task stimuli for :attr:`N_batch` trials. * **target_output** (*ndarray(dtype=float, shape =(*:attr:`N_batch`, :attr:`N_steps`, :attr:`N_out` *))*): Target output for the network on :attr:`N_batch` trials given the :data:`stimulus`. * **output_mask** (*ndarray(dtype=bool, shape =(*:attr:`N_batch`, :attr:`N_steps`, :attr:`N_out` *))*): Output mask for :attr:`N_batch` trials. True when the network should aim to match the target output, False when the target output can be ignored. * **trial_params** (*ndarray(dtype=dict, shape =(*:attr:`N_batch` *,))*): Array of dictionaries containing the trial parameters produced by :func:`generate_trial_params` for each trial in :attr:`N_batch`. """ return next(self._batch_generator)